Sr. Alice Anzoyo, SSHJ
Centre for Leadership Management
Sr. Alice is a PhD student in the doctoral programme at the Institute of Social Ministry, Tangaza University College. Her background is in finance and her interest is the education of adult learners. She has been a provincial of her congregation of the Sisters of Sacred Heart of Jesus, and appreciates the difficulties faced by women religious ministering in the midst of war in places like the Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda.
Sr. Margaret Mutiso
Assistant Director – Center for Leadership and Management
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Margaret Mutiso is a member of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart. She is currently the Assistant Director of the Center for Leadership and Management. Sr. Margaret is a Certified Coach. She was the first Coordinator of the Tangaza Leaders Guild which is composed of alumni of CLM. She presently responsible of CeLeMas, the Center for Leadership and Management Scholarships. She is also incharge of Evaluation in PDCL.
Sr. Jane Mwangi
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Jane is Kenyan belongs to the Daughters of Mary Immaculate or better known as the Dimesse Sisters. She was the first Kenyan Provincial Superior of her Congregation which she served for 3 terms. She is presently doing studies in Spirituality and Religious Formation as well as being part of the Formation Team of their Junior Sisters.
Sr. Catherine Ciingi, IHTS
Assistant Coordinator
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Catherine is a member of the Institute of the Holy Trinity Sisters. She has until recently been its Congregational Leader. She has also undertaken leadership roles in the different apostolates of their Congregation.
Sr. Loretta Brennan, CSB
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Loretta is a Brigidine Sister and is enroled in the PhD Theology programme of the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. She has a background in theology, spirituality and education. For the past 17 years she has been in Kenya. Before coming to Kenya she was the Director of the National Sabbatical Programme in Australia. She has experience as a community leader and novice directress. During her time in Tangaza Sr. Loretta has been the Director of the Institute of Spirituality and Religious Formation and the Centre for Leadership and Management. At present she is the co-ordinator of the Professional Development of Congregational Leaders programme and part time personal assistant to the Principal.
Sr. Dr. Vicenta Javier, RA
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Vicenta is a Religious of the Assumption from the Philippines. She has a PhD in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. She has had teaching, workshop, formation and leadership experiences in her Province of Asia Pacific. She was for 8 years a missionaary in Vietnam and is now on her 12th year in the East African Province of Tanzania and Kenya.
Sr. Dr. Patricia Bombard, BVM
Dr. Patricia Bombard is the director at DePaul University of Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project, a leadership development project inspired by the life, teachings and values of St. Vincent de Paul. She has assisted with the planning and development of PDCL since 2015. In 2016, she offered two five-day leadership workshops for sisters in leadership based on the content from an online course in Values-Centered Leadership offered through her project. Some of this content was incorporated into PDCL. Since then, she has annually offered train-the-trainer sessions for the PDCL presenters.
Sr. Margaret Nderitu
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Margaret belongs to the Daughters of Mary Immaculate or more popularly known as the Dimesse Sisters. She has been a Provincial Councilor and is in charge of the formation of Junior Sisters. She is a Kenyan and is a nurse by training. She is keen on the use of natural and herbal treatments.
Sr. Beatrice Kamau
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Beatrice belongs to the Daughters of St. Ann. She is the newly appointed Provincial Superior of her Congregation. Sr. Beatrice has had long years of experience as a formator. She is also doing studies in Counselling at this time.
Sr. Maureen Ogundeph, SSBG
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders Sr. Maureen is a Sacramentine sister from Kenya. She has served as a missionary in Malawi, Italy and Kenya. She has a background of education, formation and Spiritual direction. Currently she is a councillor in their Delegation of Africa and a Novice Mistress.
Sr. Josephine Kangogo Keino, DSH 
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders Sr. Josephine Kangogo Keino is the Provincial Superior of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart and the current Chairperson of the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya. She believes in team leadership and risk-taking. Josephine enjoys facilitating leadership workshops and accompanying religious in their journey of faith. Her greatest strength is her commitment to spiritual exercises.
Sr. Josephine has published in two educational journals, participated in two International Leadership Conferences. She enjoys balancing leadership responsibility and personal development. Her favorite quote is “A beautiful heart will bring things into your life that all the money in the world couldn’t get you.’’
Sr. Everline Kwamboka Maobe 
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Everline is a Franciscan Sister of the Heart of Jesus. She has been in Congregational Leadership since 2009 in different capacities: Vocations Promoter, Formator, Regional Councilor and currently as Community Leader. She was among the first graduates of PDCLin 2017-2018 and has been an associate for four years now. She thanks God for the opportunity to be part of the team and appreciate all the experiences she has shared and gained from it.
Sr. Evangelist Kahunzire
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Evangelist Kahunzire is a Ugandan. She is a General Councilor in the Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary. She recently completed her PhD in Educational Management and Planning at the Nkumba University in Uganda.
Sr. Margaret Magoba
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Margaret Magoba belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel of Mbarara in Uganda. She has spent 45 years in Religious Life. During the last 66 years she has served God’s people at different levels and in various capacities: as a teacher, administrator, policy maker of different institutions, retreat- giver and member of the Leadership Team of our Institute for a considerable number of years. This gave her the opportunity to interact with people from different walks of life and of different cultural values. She is for the program of Professional Development Leaders (PDCL) which has greatly enriched her life and has empowered her to share what she had learned with my fellow sisters both at the Congregational and national levels.
Sr. Jane Yatuha
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Jane Yatuha belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel of Mbarara in Uganda and is a PDCL Associate. She holds a BSc and MSc in Bot/Zoo; a PhD in Aquatic Science and is a Senior lecturer at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. Sr. Yatuha has a passion to contribute to the integral development of a human person and also advocates for nature conservation especially aquatic biodiversity. She treasures sharing her spiritual, intellectual and experiential resourcefulness with groups of people aimed at improved quality of life for God’s creation
Sr. Rita Christine Nakitende
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Rita Christine is presently the Superior General of the Little Sisters of St. Francis in Uganda. Sr. Rita has a PhD on Special Needs Education from the University of Oslo. She has extensive experience in education and leadership roles in both the academia and in her congregation. She has contributed to research on varying fields ofeducation and published articles on them.
Sr. Nicoletta Kiario Wamarete
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Nicoletta Kiario Marete is a Consolata Missionary Sister. She has worked as a missionary in Italy, Liberia and Mozambique. Currently she is a Councilor of their Africa Region and manager of Allamano Boys and Girls Centre in Meru. She has been in their Congregational leadership teams since the year 2000 holding different responsibilities: as councilor, Regional superior and formator. She did the PDCL Course in 2019, became an Associate of PDCL this year. She is grateful for this opportunity to share and learn from the experiences of Leaders of Religious Congregations.
Sr. Veronica Odera
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Veronica is a member of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary. She is presently a General Councilor of her Congregation and in-charge of Formation. She is one of the new facilitators of PDCL and profits much from the training she is undergoing.
Past Facilitators
Sr. Dr. Agnes Njeri, SSJ

Sr. Agnes holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. She has over ten years’ experience of teaching at high school as well as in university level. She has also held different leadership positions in her congregation and in the education sector. Sr. Agnes belongs to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Mombasa, a local congregation and so she understands the challenges facing local religious congregations especially in providing education for their sisters.
Sr. Theresa Ann Foglietti

Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Theresa Ann is Canadian and belongs to the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood. She is a Provincial Councilor of her Congregation. She is a facilitator for the Modules of the Certificate in the Practice of Organizational Leadership. She has now returned to Canada, her Province of origin.
Sr. Alem Asfha

Professional Development of Congregational Leaders
Sr. Alem belongs to the Capuchin Sisters of Mother Francesca Rubatto. She is from Eritrea. She was the Regional Superior of her Congregation covering three countries in Africa. Presently, she is a member of the General leadership team of her Congregation and is now based in Rome.

Sr. Theresa Ani, cm
Sr. Theresa Ani is Nigerian. She was the Provincial of the Carmelite Missionaries. She was a faithful member of the Facilitators’ team in PDCL. She is presently back serving in her home country.
Sr. Dr. Joan Burke, SND
Research Coordinator
Centre for Leadership Management
Sr. Joan has a PhD in anthropology from Oxford University, UK; her research was on religious women in the Congo. She has spent many years ministering in Africa as a teacher, spiritual guide and lecturer. Her experience in leadership encompasses both her congregation and her ministries in the Congo, Nigeria and Kenya. Joan is very conscious of the need for African women religious to give voice to their African experience and values in the shaping of religious life.
Sr. Placid Mary Jaya
Professional Development of Congregational Leaders

Sr. Placid Mary is a Franciscan Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She was the Provincial Superior of her Congregation. At present, she works as a hospital administrator. She is a facilitator for the Modules of the Certificate in the Practice of Organizational Leadership.